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Zirconium Crown

What is Zirconium Coating?

As a result of the stains on their teeth, people prefer zirconium coating. These coatings are also known as porcelain coatings. In addition, zirconium coatings are divided into two as metal-supported or metal-free. This method, which is mostly done with the recommendation of a doctor, is also frequently preferred by individuals. This coating, which provides whiteness to the teeth, also contributes to the health of teeth and gums.

Zirconium Coating Advantages

Zirconium veneer not only provides an aesthetic smile but also offers many advantages. The advantages of Zirconium coating can be listed as follows;
  • Due to its structure, it does not leave a dark color on the gums. For this reason, metal-coated teeth that you will wear in the future will not reflect black color.
  • Zirconium due to its structure, it also offers the advantage of allowing your own teeth to look old by passing the light inside.
  • It is used for many years if it is taken care of.
  • Zirconium plays a great role in your gum health by adapting to the gums.
  • There is no sensitivity to hot and cold in the teeth of people who use zirconium .
  • It minimizes the formation of tooth stains and yellowing on the teeth of smokers.
  • It also minimizes bad breath.

How is Zirconium Coating Made?

Zirconium tooth veneer method has been applied by most people recently. However, people who will have zirconium coating ask many questions such as how to make zirconium coating. If the person goes to the doctor or esthetician who will have the veneer, a small treatment is applied to the tooth. As a result of this treatment, the zirconium coating areas to be applied to the tooth are determined. Then, dental photos of the patient are taken.

All the procedures to be done are explained to the patient, if the patient deems it appropriate, applications for zirconium coating begin. First of all, the size of the teeth is taken in a digital environment. Then, the tooth color is checked in technical processes such as the dimensions of the tooth coating, the number of teeth and its fit to the face. After the Zirconium veneers are ready, they are shown to the patient. If the patient likes it, a complete zirconium coating process is started. Zirconium coating processes are completed within a period of 4 or 5 days. This period may vary according to the intensity of the doctor. Dental procedures begin with filing the excess on their surfaces. After filing, the doctor adheres the zirconium to the tooth with a transparent and special adhesive. However, this bonding process requires a lot of precision. Because, as a result of a small mistake, zirconium coating is wasted.

Zirconium Coating Life

The life of the Zirconium coating varies depending on the use of the person. The average lifespan is between 5 or 15 years. However, if necessary precautions and maintenance are carried out, it is possible to use zirconium coating for a period of 20 years by extending this period. In order to achieve a beautiful smile, people have zirconium coating on their teeth. Questions about this zirconium coating, which has been applied frequently in recent years, are increasing. One of the most frequently asked questions is definitely the question of how long is the zirconium coating life. Zirconium coating life varies depending on the use of the person. Except for any hard blow or other negative trauma, the probability of breaking the zirconiums is very low.

The crowns contained in Zirconium, on the other hand, do not decay if necessary maintenance is done. However, if the necessary maintenance is not done to the zirconium coating, it is possible to encounter negative situations such as crown melting. People who have Zirconium veneer should not be content with just brushing their teeth. In addition to brushing my teeth, he should use dental floss or mouthwash. Apart from the necessary maintenance, it is useful to have the checks done by the doctor you have done the coating every 6 months in order to prolong the life of the zirconium coating. In addition, it is very important in the environment where zirconium dental crowns will be made. Zirconium veneers made under the stairs are not safe, but they can also harm your teeth and health. In general, the life of zirconium coatings is between 5 or 15 years. However, if necessary precautions and maintenance are carried out, it is possible to use zirconium coating for a period of 20 years by extending this period.